Saturday 29 December 2012

Belated Merry Christmas!

Hello hello everyone! Hope you've all had a lovely christmas and things are shaping up nicely for New Years.
So i know you avid readers all like to see some photos every once in a while so i'll start with some of those!

As I think you all know, Sam, for some reason, bought a sea kayak a while back, which had to be built and then trucked up to Auckland. That all took some time, however on 21st dec. with it ready and waiting, we headed back up to Auckland.

So for the first time in about two months Sam donned his paddling kit, hopped in his shiny new sea kayak and paddled the four miles across Auckland harbour up to Takapuna.

From there we continued up north to Shakespear Park, Sam in his sea kayak, me in the van, for Sam's first night in his tent and me as back up, should he have forgotten anything.

The next morning Sam packed his boat, (something Im sure he's got quicker at by now) filed his first EVER trip log with the cost guard, and we parted way (for a bit anyway)!

Since then Sam's continued north, slowed by the wind, but by all accounts (texts and calls) doing just fine! Im led to believe even swag his way into christmas lunch on a yacht!
For my part, Im back down in Okere Falls for now, hanging out and kayaking, even on christmas day!

Good times!

Post again soon!

1 comment:

  1. touring BA. haha no expense spared.
    doug you should post more videos!
