Monday 8 October 2012


So, a week ago, a few days before I (Sam) popped my shoulder on the Kaituna, we headed down to Murupara, just outside Rotorua, with the aim of paddling the Rangiteiki. Leaving the camp site at 9, a massive achievement for Doug, who wasn't quite fully conscious until mid day, we drove up to the get on. This was possibly the most dangerous bit of the day, as the section of the river that we were paddling (the Jeff's Joy run) was only accessible by private forestry roads. Private forestry roads are nuts. As we trespassed along, we encountered what the guide book describes as 'high speed logging truck death', characterised by the a generally liberal attitude to speed limits and driving on their side of the road from the fully loaded 45 tonne trucks, some of which have un cut trees hanging 30ft off the back of the trailers, which of course swing into your side of the dirt track whenever they negotiate a left hand bend.

We eventually made it in one piece, and parked the van a little way up the dirt track to the river, where we were relatively sure that we could get it back out. Getting on, we had 200m or so of flat water to warm up on before dropping right in to the class IV, the first bit of which was an easy, bouldery, narrow rapid called Rock A, which has killed people in the past (just don't hit Rock A). Rock B soon followed, before we dropped through Fan Tail and then Jeff's Joy. More Class IV. On Jeff's Joy, Doug tried to eat my boat.

Mostly intact, we proceeded down the rest of the river, 8km or so of beautiful, narrow read and run class III. We dodged all the trees, got to the rafting get off, and I began the 2.5 hr hike back up to the main logging road then back down to the river to the get on! Some fun off roading later, the gear was all back in the van, and we headed back up to Rotorua to get on the Kaituna! More on that later.

Catch you all soon.

Sam and Doug.


  1. It's nice seeing videos of you both. both in pretty fresh kit too. thanks for the text Sam. I got that at 7am. good way to start a day. are you playing Eddie and the strainers fantastic cover version of 'tighten up' on the way to rivers?

  2. Hey dude, I figured that you wake up about that time for work! It's nice to start the day with a BBBBEEEEOOOO. Also in reply to your other comment we did get a Tuna and a Mystic. Keep commenting, I love it!

  3. The tuna looks nice. What is it like to paddle? Similar to any particular boat?
    The Mystic is smaller than I thought it would be.

    Are you taking videos of the runs you are doing? I want to see what the river features look like!

  4. It's an awesome boat to paddle, carves like a surf board and is very fast... I've done a few boofs in it and once you land, there's so little drag that it just doesn't want to slow down. It's like a fast fast burn. The Mystic only looks small because the Tuna is such a beast. With the boat standing up, I have to stand on tip toes to reach the bow with my arm stretched as high as I can get it. No videos at the mo, and there might not be some for a little while because of my busted shoulder, but Doug will be back on the rivers soon with internet friends (seedy) and I'm looking in to getting a sea kayak... Watch this space!

  5. I love internet friends. They just seem to judge you the least, y'know.
    Maybe take videos of doug spending time WITH his internet friends?

    I love the sound of the tuna. It must be so nice knowing you made it.
    Where are you now? How much have you moved around the north island? When do you plan to hit the south island? Christchurch and Queenstown if you want some fun! Remember what I said about the bar with the waitresses!!!!
